Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Whoo Whoo Wednesday!

My goodness it is already Wednesday! I am so ready for this week to be over with, except after tomorrow everything kind of goes crazy...not just for a day or two days but for like a whole month!!!

I am sooooo lucky that there are no practices this week!!! Yippee!!! So that out helped a lot. The girls have been fed, showered, homework completed and in bed by 8.00 sharp! (So far anyways)

This month we are throwing our first charity event. I am pretty excited about it. Almost a year ago PFL's brother past away from brain cancer....he was only 33yrs old. I had previously lost my grandfather (9yrs in October) to cancer. It is a horrible disease and it affects almost everyone friend, family, co-worker, church friend....yada yada.

So we decided to throw an event benefiting Relay For Life called Strike Down Cancer. It is a Bowl A Thon!!!! What better way to not only raise money but celebrate people's lives, family members, friends by having fun and bowling!??!

I created flyers and registration forms and sent them out to everyone I know. Thanks to Face Book we already have 46 confirmed bowlers!!!! I am totally stoked!

We only have a couple of weeks. Well actually........exactly 11 days until our 1st event!!!! We still have to finalize our silent auction gifts, door prizes, and get basically everything organized!!!! I have made my checklist and ready to tackle it!!! =)


Anonymous said...

Im with over this week already! A bowling fundraiser sounds like! I love to cosmic bowl. Hope your having a great day! = )

Beth Dunn said...

I hope it goes well! Charity is great xoxo