Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things!!!

My lovely daughters!

Emma- BRB
Popop- What is BRB?
Emma- means Be Right Back!!!!! (this was said in the HELLO you should have known better tone)
(I LOL-ed her)

Mr. Friend- Yes!!!! I am having BLT's for dinner tonight. They are seriously my favvvorite!!!
Alexis- Oh, you love Budlight Limes also? That's my dad's favvvorite!

Alexis- Who won the baseball game last night?
Mr. Friend- The Yankees did.
Alexis- YES!!!! Did anyone hit a homerun?
Mr. Friend- Yes. Alex, Mark, and.....I can't remember the other person.
Emma- Oh I know!!!!! It was probably Babe Ruth who hit the homerun!!!!

Alexis- Mom, I have hair just like you!
Me- Oh, we have the same hair? (I have dark dark dark brown curly hair and she has straight light brown hair) Why do you think we have the same hair?
Alexis- I mean, when I get home school our hair is the same. You know wild, crazy and all over the place? Just like yours!

Me- Emma please go take a shower and make sure you wash those feet and legs!
20mins later
Me- Emma did you wash your whole body????
Emma- No!
Me- You have been in there for 20 mins!!!! Did you wash anything???
Emma- Yes, my legs and my feet!!!

Me- Alexis can you see if we have anymore Band-Aids ?
Alexis- Nope. We ran out.
Me- Crap! I need a Band-Aid. (Emma hands me a tampon)
Me- Emma why do you have that? Please put that back.
Emma- Aren't these for your "Boo Boo's"

Me- Ugh, Daddy's blanket smells! We need to wash this.
Alexis- Yeah, he farts a that is probably why his blanket smells.

Me- Oh MY!!
Alexis and Emma- What? What?
Me- We almost got in an accident!!!
Emma says to Alexis- Daddy told us she was a bad driver.

Monday, October 26, 2009

So Many Things......

***Warning Warning Warning*** There might be a couple of blogs from me in the next couple of days. I have not had the chance to write any blogs and there are so many things I want to say and catch you all up on.

I am not sure if you all have heard this story on the news...... Somer Thompson. Somer Thompson was a 1st grader from Orange Park, Florida. She disappeared on 10/19/09 while walking home from school. After a tremendous community search, her body was found two days later by the police at a Georgia Landfill.

So many of us have been affected by this horrible story......not just Clay County but from all over!

Putting aside all the judgements, thoughts, and opinions of who could have done this, what could have been avoided, what this world has come to........this has all made us stronger individually and as a community. From the moment that Somer was missing, people were in the streets passing out flyers, posting images on Facebook, walking in the streets/ woods, stopping cars to hand out pictures of Somer, raising money for family, having vigils every night, mourned, hugged their children more often, and started paying better attention to their surroundings.

Seeing the below image and video brings chills through out my body and water to my eyes.

(I am not sure how to post video's yet.....but here is the link- Somer's Balloon Release )
There is a saying that God has reason for everything. I know that some people do not believe that or sometimes cannot understand the reasoning to his plan.
I do believe that God has a plan for everything, but I do also believe that God does not causes such ugliness. I believe that someone ruined God's plan and I have complete faith that God is up there with sweet little Somer (listening to her advice) with scrolls and scrolls of papers trying to rearrange what someone messed up.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bowl A Thon

Well, the Bowl A Thon (charity event I wrote about in Whoo Whoo Wednesday!) is right around the corner.....5 days to be exact!

Things are getting so hectic but really exciting at the same time. It is our first event and we have already learned so much from it. For example......proof reading everything, explaining things better and simpler...yada yada. HA! Hopefully we can grow and improve from our first event.

I have been so worried about the turnout amount and if we would even be able to make all this happen. But after completing the excel spreadsheet of registration forms it looks like everything is going to be fine. We have 50 definite bowlers!!! (and that is only for the registrations that we have there might be more than that!!!) I know that, that may not seem like a lot but for our first event I am pretty satisfied and have great expectations of growing every year.

I am so lucky and blessed that we have so many great friends and supporters for this event. I know that they will totally understand and laugh at our bloopers and mistakes! Even though PFL and I are completely stressed out right now............I know it will be worth it in the end.

Playing My Song

I received an IM today telling me to go listen to a I clicked on the link and it was my FAVORITE song of all time!!!!!

I love music (all types)!!! It gets me through my work day, driving, showers, 2 hour hair straightening, cooking, holidays, parties, and even cleaning.

A certain song can come on the radio and change my mood completely around. The best ones are songs that you haven't heard in forever and you sing on the top of your lungs!

So when I got the IM and went to the link.......I was super excited and was totally jamming out in my cubicle. This song is my "Jam" for everything!!! When we are out at a bar and this song comes on all my girlfriends know to get out on the dance floor, swing their hair, and dance with me. It is hardly on the radio so when it comes on it is a must to have the windows down, volume turned up, and to sing it on the top of my lungs!!!

Below is my "Jam" song. If you are work I hope you jam out in your cubicle and if you are at home I hope you kick off your shoes, grab a brush to sing into, and dance around.......oh and don't forget the swinging hair!!!!!!!

What is your "Jam" song?????

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Whoo Whoo Wednesday!

My goodness it is already Wednesday! I am so ready for this week to be over with, except after tomorrow everything kind of goes crazy...not just for a day or two days but for like a whole month!!!

I am sooooo lucky that there are no practices this week!!! Yippee!!! So that out helped a lot. The girls have been fed, showered, homework completed and in bed by 8.00 sharp! (So far anyways)

This month we are throwing our first charity event. I am pretty excited about it. Almost a year ago PFL's brother past away from brain cancer....he was only 33yrs old. I had previously lost my grandfather (9yrs in October) to cancer. It is a horrible disease and it affects almost everyone friend, family, co-worker, church friend....yada yada.

So we decided to throw an event benefiting Relay For Life called Strike Down Cancer. It is a Bowl A Thon!!!! What better way to not only raise money but celebrate people's lives, family members, friends by having fun and bowling!??!

I created flyers and registration forms and sent them out to everyone I know. Thanks to Face Book we already have 46 confirmed bowlers!!!! I am totally stoked!

We only have a couple of weeks. Well actually........exactly 11 days until our 1st event!!!! We still have to finalize our silent auction gifts, door prizes, and get basically everything organized!!!! I have made my checklist and ready to tackle it!!! =)

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Yankees Win! The Yankees Win!

YAY! The Yankees Won!!!
Over the years I have started to learn more about MLB and love the New York Yankees! Pat has always loved the Yankees and he is a HUGE fan. When we first started dating he would try to get me into....but it really wasn't my thing. I could not even stand watching it! (I am a football girl!!!) I do love the fact that my daughters love the Yankees, will watch a whole entire game, they have their favorite players, wear their Yankee shirts, and love talking baseball with their dad. Well.........a few years ago a certain person opened up my eyes to baseball and it is that person who helped me get into baseball.............

Thank you Derek Jeter!!!

Let me be honest here......if it was not for Derek Jeter I probably would have never gotten into baseball or the Yankees. (I am pretty sure Pat thanks him also) It is not only his is everything about him. The type of player he is.......I love how after he makes a great play he does his famous arm pump thingy......I love me some Derek Jeter!!! And if it wasn't for Derek Jeter I would not have gotten to know about the Yankees or MLB at all! Now I do not know all the stats and terminology. However I do that this year he has already 18 homeruns and 66 RBI.

If it was not for Derek Jeter I would never gotten into baseball or become a Yankee Fan........I would also not get to know this person either.....

Thank you Derek Jeter!!

Brett Gardner!!!! Yummmmmmmm!!!

Risin' Up To The Challenge Of Our Rival!

I am so excited about this blog!!!! More than excited.......PUMPED! I am ready for change and ready to make it happen. It has been hard for me to get motivated and work out, diet, etc. I know that there are "super-mommies" out there in the world who are able to do everything with no problem. I want so much to be a "super-mommie!!!" It just is not that simple for me. It has been hard for me to juggle working out, eating right, running to this or that practice/ game, help with homework, and so forth. When I have an evening with nothing to do I find myself just wanting to REST! I was training with a trainer and it was going great! I felt great and was making a lot of progress....but my $$$$ was not. So today I found myself some PUMP up music and made my schedule........
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor

Monday - 6:00-6:45 AM = Cycle, 6:50-7:30 Laps in the Pool
Tuesday- 6:00-7:00 AM= Yoga, 7:05-7:30 Cardio
Wednesday- 6:00-7:00AM= Yogilates, 7:05-7:30 Laps in the Pool
Thursday- 6:00-7:00AM= Yoga, 7:05-7:30 Cardio
Friday- 6:00-7:00 AM= Yoga, 7:05-7:30 Laps in the Pool

I know that this is early in the morning, but I had to make a realistic schedule that I could keep. I know that I am not going to work out after work......there is usually some practice or game I have to rush the girls to, dinner to be made, or homework that needs to be corrected, and so on and so on.

I know I can do this if I put everything I have into it!!!! I am ready for the challenge and will be starting tomorrow. I cannot wait for me to be able to write a "Follow Up" blog on my progress!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October Projects!!!!

I am a fall lover! It's the weather, football season, the decorations, the change in color of the trees, baking.....everything! (And it leads us all to winter!)

Last year, was my first year that I started decorating our house for fall and Halloween. It took a lot of researching and shopping ( I am NO Martha Stewart!!!). I started it off with candles from Yankee Candle. I purchased the Frosted Pumpkin (smells wonderful!!). I also found a great three layered candle from Yankee that had Fall Festival on the top, Pumpkin in the middle, and Cider on the bottom. It made the house smell wonderful and always in the mood for the fall season! The rest of my decorations I had gotten from Kirklands.....(LOVE that store!!!). I got really cute items from there that I knew I could use over and over I would be able to add on in the future. Here are just a couple of items that I had gotten....

But this year, (since I am a Mommy on a budget but still want to continue growing on my fall decorations), I have found items that the girls and I can make together!!!! They are super cute and easy to make! I found them on Better Homes and Garden website.....they are great ideas but were still a little high in budget and difficult in creating for me so I will be improvising.......

Project #1- Horrifying Hurricane-
I though these were simple and cute! (Plus I would be able to use these for Christmas also!!!) I really don't love the black lace, so I think I will be eliminating that step. I will get a couple of glass hurricanes ($8-$12) and a bag of mini pumpkins ($10.00 for 20!!) from Target!

Project #2- Mummy Candy Pots

These are adorable! The instructions and "items needed" were a little too complex and expense for the girls and I. So....Instead of a clay pots I will purchase miniature plastic pots, use an old sheet or daddy under shirts from home, instead of acrylic paint we will be using the girls paint, and two beads from their jewelry making kit. (glue gun needed). Instead of using these as candy holders I will be using them as candle holders (of course with tea light glass holders inside of them)!
I figured with mini pots the girls can make a couple of them. I would cut the old shirt or sheet in long strips. Then they can paint daddy's old shirts or a ripped up sheet. When dried I would hot glue the strips of cloth on to the pot.

Project #3- Boo-tiful Photo Album

I am totally excited about this one!!! I know the girls will love this project. I figured I would find a inexpensive photo album (Target Red Stickers!!!!) Grab some felts, little decorations, and stickers from the dollar store or Michael's (art store). Glue the felt to the album as a cover. I have some left over scrap booking sheets left over for the girls to decorate. Every year the girls can put their Halloween pics in their Boo-tiful Halloween Album.

I cannot wait to show you our outcome of these projects!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

28th Day

Once every 28 days ("time of the month") I cannot help but be jealous of MEN. I can't help it. I know men have their "side" and their "problems/ issues". I just feel that women have it a little harder sometimes! I am not saying one is better than the other or one is more important than the other......I just feel that most women have it harder.......

#1-Men don't shave their face and it is considered a "New Look" or just scruffy. When in all reality it was that they were too LAZY and didn't shave.
#1-Women don't shave their legs and it is just nastiness.

#2-Men get to pee standing up!
#2- Women.......Dude! I would love to pee standing up. I could pee anywhere. I wouldn't have to "Drip Dry". I wouldn't have to balance myself over a toilet or do the "potty dance" while I set up my toilet paper seat cover.....and I would not have to touch anything else besides myself in the bathroom!!!!!

#3- Men get to just throw water in their hair and grab some clothes when they are running late or even just to go out....They can get ready in an average of 10mins.
#3- Women.....I would LOVE to get ready in 10mins. Do you think I love taking two hours just to go somewhere?? Instead I have to shave my legs real quick..... I have to fix my hair...I have to find something to wear.....then I have to find shoes that match....then I realize that my purse does not match! You want a hot women right?!!?!?

#4- Men get sick and the whole world has to stop turning. The house has to be extremely quite (Don't wake up Daddy Grumpy Sick Bear), you have to make their favorite meals, they are too hot/ cold....blah blah blah!
#4- Women get sick and the world seems to spin faster. Now, I will say that sometimes men do try to help out when you are sick, but sometimes it just does not work! I mean, after the third time of him asking you where the broom is you might as well get up and get it yourself! You still have to deal with kids yelling and running around like crazy. You get asked over and over again "Mom are you still going to my game tonight?""Are you feeling better Mommy?" "Daddy didn't do my hair right!" "What's for dinner!??!?!"

#5- Men can complain on how once a month women go CRAZY.
#5- Women.....Well, you know what?!?!? I love to trade places with you on my 28th day of the month! Do you think we love being grumpy, bloated, crampy, uncomfortable and short tempered???

I am just saying!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Whooo It's Friday!

This day is finally here! Oh sweet Friday how I love thee.

This week has gone by so slow but it is finally the weekend.....Whoo Whoo. I am hoping that today will fly by. I have an exciting lunch today, I will be going to the Omni for a luncheon with the Mayor of Jacksonville and the Mayor of Puerto Rico. This will be my first luncheon and I am totally excited and happy that I have been given this opportunity to go!!! (I will have to fill you in about it after I go!!)

This week was pretty normal, nothing really exciting.....except for my NEW blog!!!! I had asked my sweet friend Bellini (check out her blog you will love it!!!) to help decorate my blog. I told her what colors and styles I like and she said she would work on it. I came to work on Thursday morning and it brought a huge smile to my came out perfect!!!! Thank you Bellini!!!

The rest of the week went something like this........Work, rush to soccer practices, homework, showers, being referee between both girls, I really need to go on??? So I am so ready for the weekend. Right after work I have to rush to their soccer games and then make softball car wash signs (If you are in Fleming Island tomorrow come to Chili's btw 11-1 and donate to our OPAA girls!!!). I would love to try to go somehow to the country concert tonight to see Joe Nichols! But I will probably be covered in magic markers making Car Wash signs (with a nice cold glass of Pinot in hand of course). Wild Friday night I tell ya! ha!

Saturday morning will start off early with rushing the girls out of the house to their games (hopefully with a Large Coffee from Starbucks in my hand). Then rush off to the car wash fundraiser. Then ending my day with my dearest friend's birthday dinner! I cannot wait! I have already told my FFF (My friend forever) to have a glass of wine with Red bull ready for me as soon as I walk in the door.

Hopefully Sunday I will be going to the football game (Go Jags!!!). I am especially excited about this game!!! Mostly because of the weather. It is great football weather!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Washington Calling My Name!

In about six weeks we will be taking a road trip to Ohio (for my cousin's wedding) and then spending a week in Washington D.C. !!!!
Excited =80%
No So Excited= 20%
I have had so many mixed feelings about this trip. I am totally stoked about going to see my family and spending a week in Washington! I even get a week and a half away from work. I mean really who wouldn't be excited about being away from work and spening time in our beautiful Nation's Capitol??? All History, site seeing, etc....Strangely it really isn't the looooong drive and rest stops that bother me. It is actually the two wonderful angels in the backseat that provide some of my doubts for the trip. I am lucky that both girls are old enough (8 and 6) now to make this great adventure and should handle the trip......but they are also old enough now to speak their minds, dispute everything that is said, annoy each other, constantly have to go to the "bathroom", and get bored very easily. "Mommy she is looking at me!" "Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom......I guess I didn't really need to go afterall." "Mommy, are we almost there???"
BUT...... After this weekend I am now 100% completely excited about the trip as a whole. Bring on the 13 to 15hr drive to Ohio!!!!! What changed my mind??? The recent weather change here in Florida and........The West Wing. You know.... the show? I hate to admit it but it is true. It is that type of show that your significant other watches all the time and you just cannot stand it. Then the next thing you know it kind of grows on you and eventually you are more obsessed with it than he is (but would never admit that you absolutely love it!!!) Anyways, I was watching season three when I saw Washington D.C. looking like this.......

Can you see how now this 13 -15hr trip will seem like a piece of cake? This is what I will be imagining and reminding myself what I have to look forward to while I have two sweet girls in the back seat. The only thing now is, .........what I am going to imagine to get back home??? HA!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I guess I am back to the blog world. Some of my friends are on here now and all we talk about is "Blog This" and "That person's blog" forth. So, here I am back again. Ready to take on the blog world. Only if I can figure out how to dress up my blog!!!

I have to admit that I am actually very excited and cannot wait to start blogging. I hopefully will have stuff to blog about soon!!! I hope I can balance everything out with work, facebook, being a mommy, and of course blogs! LOL!